Earnings and Income Disclaimer.

All attempts

are made to ensure the accuracy of the properties on our site. Still, this does not serve as a guarantee of any level of income you might earn on a given deal. Many contributing factors may alter the ultimate profit any given property may yield.

The testimonials

posted by prior investors serve as exceptional examples of properties that have yielded above average returns, and cannot be used as a benchmark for expectations. Everyone's results differ based on factors such as capacity, professional connections, experience, etc. As with most business ventures, there is an inherit amount of risk that goes into all projects. That said, no assurance could be made than any past levels of success could be matched in the future.


on our site serve as a suggestion based on many criteria, though in the end proper due diligence must be done by you, the investor; and all figures and research must be verified. Your use of this site affirms that you understand your responsibility for your own actions and will not hold the company responsible for any success or failure that comes as a result of use and / or investing.

Final after repaired values (ARV) or specific renovation costs are not verified, rather provided by the seller.

These figures may vary greatly depending on aforementioned factors. Any profit margins indicated on our site are based on ARV minus the purchase price of the property and any estimated repair / remodeling that has to be done to the property.This is meant to serve as a general filter to help narrow your property search, again, not guarantee a profit on that specific amount or range will be yielded.

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